News and Events

Soup Bowl Sunday

A fundraiser hosted by First Baptist Youth

Tasting begins after Sunday School on February 2nd. Soups will be judged by everyone in attendance. The soup receiving the most donations wins. Unlike other elections, ballot box stuffing is encouraged! Plan to join us for food, fun, and fellowship and help the youth raise funds for future activities. Sign up to bring a soup on the sheet on the window or call to enter your favorite soup

Church Council Meeting

The Church Council will meet on Tuesday, February 11th at 6 pm. This includes church staff, committee members and board members. Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP. If you have misplaced your letter, please let Cindy know.

Fellowship Guild

The Fellowship Guild will meet on February 12 at 1 pm in the Chapel.

Deepening A Heart for Jesus

Beginning January 8th and running into March, our Wednesday night program for adults, HomeBuilders, will become a midweek worship service. Our study will be about taking a deeper dive into our relationships with God. This flexible and helpful series is for every person whether you are a new Christian or new to quiet times, or a veteran of abiding in relationship with God. So no matter how much experience or success you have had in prayer you will find this study beneficial. More information is available in the newsletter and available on the church website.

Prayer Meeting

Prayer meetings are on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm. Bring any prayer concerns you may have or just come to pray for others. Note, there will be no meeting on February 4.

Community Free Meal

First Baptist will be hosting the Free Meal at Grace Church on Wednesday, February 19th. Thanks to everyone that provided groceries and came to help in January. This is an outreach mission that continues to grow. We always need additional volunteers to support this important ministry. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s help and financial support. If you would like to make a monetary donation, checks can be written to First Baptist Church with Free Meal written on the memo line.

Single Ladies Group

The Single Ladies Group will meet the 3rd Friday of the month, that will be the February 21. They will meet at noon at Woodlawn. Questions? contact Lynn Groenleer.

Youth Group Ice Skating

On Saturday, February 22nd, the youth group will be traveling to Warsaw for an ice skating event at the Miller Sunset Pavilion Ice Rink. We will meet at FBC at 12 PM. All youth group members and their parents are invited to attend.

Please note that the venue is covered but is outdoors. So dress accordingly! Also, lunch will not be provided.

ABW Scholarship Application

Applications for the American Baptist Women’s scholarship are available in the church office. They are due in February 15. Applications should be mailed to the address on the back of the application.

Wednesday Night Ministries

Our Wednesday night family ministry continue through March. Programs include fellowship and discipleship groups for all ages: Kids Club, Youth Club, and adult Bible study.


The FBC choir can always use new voices. It meets on Tuesday evenings. Please prayerfully consider participating in this ministry and contact Jane Ricketts at 260-602-5905.

Handbell Choir

FBC has a handbell choir. This ministry is for both men and women, high school ages included. Please prayerfully consider participating in this ministry and contact Jane Ricketts at 260-602-5905.

Youth Music Group

Students in grades 6-12 who’d like to join the youth music group should contact Brian or Rhonda Johnson.

Wednesday Bible Studies

The Men’s Bible Study will meet on Wednesdays at 10 am. In the Pastor’s office. The Women’s` Bible Study will meet on Wednesdays at 10 am in the Adult Class classroom.

February Mission-Campus Ministries American Baptist Churches

The Special Mission focus for February is Campus Ministries. The Baptist Student Foundation is only found on the campus of Purdue University and has been there for over 75 years. This ministry is called “The Found” and includes such programming and activities as serving free finals breakfast to students during finals week, meals during fellowship time after Sunday morning worship service, and providing opportunities designed for students to develop friendships in our polarizing culture.

Obviously, it’s not just about our youth. It is also about the support for other youth who may first encounter Christ while at school. Can you think of anything better to happen to a young adult as they pursue future goals and dreams? As theologian R.L. Dabney once stated, “The education of chil- dren for God is the most important business on earth.”

If you are able to contribute to the Campus Ministries of the American Baptist Churches, please make your check payable to the church and mark the memo line for Campus Ministries ABC. Thank you for your prayers for our youth as well as any financial support you might provide!