Pastor’s Page



Pastor David Love

The Lord is A Shelter

Happy August FBC Family,

This past month I have been reflecting on how far my family has come over the past year. We have been part of the Rochester community for a year now and we are feeling connected more and more. The kids have been in school and made new friends, our stuff is out of the camper and the storage unit, and we are using every room in the house as we have finished the major changes.

The big storms of the last week have reminded me of where we were last year. We were in the camper at Plymouth Yogi Bear when a huge wind storm came through. The camper was in perfect alignment so that it was like driving down the highway. It was facing into the wind. The kids slept while the trailer rocked and shook. The walls of the camper vibrated with a strange intensity. In the morning, we went around the area collecting our tent, toys, and tarps. All of which the wind had tossed like leaves. This recent set of storms reminded me of how glad I am to be in a house with a basement. Our electricity was out until Tuesday evening, but we managed. The offers of help, from AC to showers, from church members was yet another reminder of how we are now a part of this loving and thoughtful church family.

       Psalm 91:1-2
      Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

The words “dwell” and “rest” are set here to compliment each other. Dwell is what we do now. We live under the protection of the Lord. It implies a permanent closeness to God: near to himself, near to his word. The verse contains a promise of future rest for those who dwell with The Lord. Rest from what? Rest from our enemies. Rest from our work. Rest from our troubles.

This world will have its share of storms. Wind and rain and danger that keep us up at night. However, The Lord is a strong and mighty tower, greater than any worldly danger. Though this life has frequent troubles, The Lord is a shelter in the storm and a place of rest when the storms are over.


Pastor Dave