Sunday School

Adult Sunday School Classes

Sunday, 10:45 am at the church

New Classes Beginning January 14

Join us on January 7 at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall for a Sunday School Rally to hear more about current and new studies!

The Storm-Tossed Family

Led by Pastor David Love

The Seven Churches of Revelation

Led by Eric Biddinger

Hebrews, A Practical Study for Daily Living                                          

Led by Troy Prior

First Corinthians

Koinonia Class led by Braden Chandler


Bible Study

Adult Class led by Joe Miller

Faith that Pleases God

Baptist Builders Class led by Kevin Kennedy

Children and Youth Classes

Preschool – 1st

Led by Katie Yarber

Elementary 2nd-5th

Led by Brianne Miller

Middle and High School

Led by Rhonda Johnson and Seth Manns