November 2020

Do you ever wonder what God is up to? What is He doing? Why am I going through this pain, or this loss? Why does my whole world seem upside down?

During 2020, we have probably all wondered this a lot. The covid-19 pandemic, has caused me to ask this, along with other trials. There is an amazing promise in the Bible that is very reassuring to me. It says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8.28)

There have been a lot of circumstances lately, where I have wondered “what is He doing?” Or, sometimes I have asked, “isn’t there a better way?” We are not alone in asking. Jesus asked in the garden of Gethsemane, “Lord, isn’t there some other way?” (my paraphrase).

I have discovered that this promise from God in Romans 8, often include Him working in ways that seem to be NOT GOOD. Sometimes I am dealing with pain, or my loved one is. My little granddaughter has had a cast on her arm, due to her not holding on to the sliding pole. You may be going through a painful illness: like covid, or cancer, or back pain. Physical pain, certainly does not seem to be a good thing. But learning to trust the Lord through the pain is good. Learning to praise Him for bodies that heal, or for medicine that reduces pain is a good thing. Learning empathy for others who suffer pain, is a godly thing.

Sometimes people are grieving the loss of their loved one. The death of a loved one does not seem like a good thing. Our loneliness, and the empty places in our lives are too often filled with emotional pain. How can God be at work through the death of a friend or loved one?

Yet, death is the door into God’s presence. It is a reminder to believers in Christ Jesus that we are just passing through this life. A better day is waiting. God would not be doing us good, if He left us here.

Sometimes there are changes in our lives that seem at first to be NOT good. The loss of a job, or the “moving away” of a friend, may make us feel very insecure. The changes in our community, or in our government may make for fear, and questions. Sometimes God is working through people who are ungodly, or evil, or corrupt. This may make us wonder, “God what are you doing?” We don’t see how God can be at work for good, through such persons?

I believe God is The Almighty! He is all powerful. He is able to “work all things together for our good…” And, though I may not see or understand what He is up to, I can be very confident that He is able to do what is good and best for us.

Are you uncertain? Are you wondering why these things are happening? Why has this been such a tough year? I don’t have specific answers for you. But, I do have confidence in God’s ability to work for my good, and yours!

God is good…All the time!                                                                     Pastor Mark