Quiet Times, February 2025
Thankful is how I feel for the great participation in our 2025 Church Wide Emphasis “Deepening a Heart for Jesus.” Participation has been strong. Two Sunday School classes are participating with two different curriculums. A new group is meeting on Saturdays for their study. Wednesday night HomeBuilders has high participation. And, I am aware of several who are participating independently through the recommended books.
It is not too late to participate. If it has been on your heart, you can still get on board. Both Sunday Schools are at the very beginning and it would be easy to jump in with them. The Wednesday night videos are available on YouTube and so are the videos from Practicing the Way. And, that recommended reading list is just as available as it was in December. So what do you say? Will you take a step into a deeper heart for Jesus?
The purpose of this emphasis is to encourage the development of regular “quiet times.” That is our funny Baptist way to refer to often meeting with Jesus for prayer and a little Scripture reading, some call it devotions. These times with the Lord can be life-giving, sustaining, and deeply moving, but they need to be more than a to-do list to be effective. Like any relationship, our relationship with Jesus is shaped over time and strengthened by times of trial and strain. By creating the “quiet time” habits in our lives, we carve out a little time to deepen our friendship with Jesus each day. Like a call with your kids or parents, or a conversation with your spouse, a conversation with Jesus keeps the relationship alive.
Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a [person] remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) That remaining, abiding, in Jesus is essential to a fruitful and blessed life. I pray you will join with us in pursuing a deeper abiding in Jesus.
Grace and Peace from Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Dave