In His Perfect Time, December 2021

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. (Galatians 4.4-5)

I recently read another book by J. Warner Wallace entitled, The Person of Interest. Wallace was a homicide detective for the city of Los Angeles, and investigated many cold cases to uncover the perpetrators of unsolved crimes. Using techniques that he would use for crime scene investigations, he set out to prove, or disprove who Jesus was without the use of the Bible. Was there enough evidence to prove that he actually lived? Did his search through the other sources of that era prove or disprove what the Bible says about Jesus? Is there enough evidence to know more about this Jesus? – The Person of Interest. Could He really be who His followers say he is?- God? Warner came to believe the truth about Jesus, from his own digging.

One of the findings he discovered was the timing of Jesus’ coming. Do you remember when Jesus was born? Luke says, “In the days of Caesar Augustus…” Jesus was born in an era called “Pax Romana.” There was a period when middle east fighting, and wars, and the ravaging of Palestine ceased for awhile. The armies of Rome were so dominating that the smaller nations ceased from their fighting and wars with their neighbors. Herod was one of the rulers of Palestine, but un- der the authority of Caesar Augustus.

The Romans were also known for developing a system of roads for their armies to use. They were not interstate highways, and yet these roads which led from one major city to another made it possible for the message of Jesus to be shared across the Roman world. Paul the Apostle, traveled them. He also went via ship, across the Mediterranean Sea, which was protected by the Roman government.

Before the Romans gained control of this part of the world, the armies of Greece, under the leadership of Alexander the Great, were dominant. One of the rules that they tried to impose on people of that time was that everyone under subjection would adopt Greek culture, and their language. Thus, in Jesus’ day people were still speaking a common form of Greek called “koine.” The New Testament letters, and Gospels were written in Greek.

Did God have a hand in orchestrating all of these major factors so that when Jesus appeared, his message of salvation could be told across the known world, and written in a common language? I think so! And so does J Warner Wallace. Paul the Apostle says so too. “When the fullness of the time had come…” At just the right time in history! There are some other amazing discoveries. Jesus’ fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 12, the persecution of Jesus’ Church which caused the spreading of the Gospel from Judea to nations all around the world, Jesus’ fulfillment of other prophecies. How much evidence is needed to convince people that something is true? Some will refuse to believe despite the mounds of proof.

This Christmas season, those who believe in Jesus have an amazing reason to celebrate! The God who created this universe, and who gave us life as well, is able to orchestrate major events that will impact the world! Do you think He can order the events of your life too? What about the events of our country? There are crazy things happening in our government, and our nation. Is God working?

I believe He will be at work you your life and mine– if we ask Him. Why will he do this? He loves us with an everlasting love. If your gifts and packages don’t arrive on time– remember this…God does! He will come at just the perfect time!

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Count Your Blessings, November 2021

On my grandmother’s chalkboard is this message she wrote many years ago: Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by
smiles, not tears. She often wrote on her chalkboard a verse, or an inspiring quote that she had read. It was her way of reminding herself, and also of passing her bits of wisdom on to others. Often my grandfather was the main one to gain insights from her. But, when we visited her there would usually be something new for us to read as well. Her chalkboard message was preserved by my parents on the original chalkboard after her passing. I read it again from time to time. It is a beautiful reminder of the important things of life.

At this season of the year, it is good to remind ourselves of the many things and people who make our lives meaningful. So often we get so busy with routines and duties that we don’t take the time to appreciate what makes life count.

Psalm 90 is attributed to Moses, as the author. It is a beautiful reminder of important things, and what we need to appreciate. It speaks of how short life is, and of how fleeting the years are. Yet it also reminds us of the security we can have in trusting God, and His care.

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God. (Psalm 90. 1-2)

The Psalmist goes on to extol the everlasting love and power of God. “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by..” Then comes the lesson we need to learn:

All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan.

10 Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 11 If only we knew the power of your anger! Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due. 12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Can we number our days? Do you know how many more you will have? Perhaps due to covid, or other illnesses we realize that the number of days is getting shorter. So how can we gain a heart of wisdom? How can we make the best of the days we have left? Perhaps one suggestion might be to ask yourself, “HOW RICH AM I?” Are you counting friendships, and smiles, and flowers, and the bright experiences of today? Are you blessed with riches that money can never buy? I know I am! Or ask yourself, “HOW CAN I GAIN A HEART OF WISDOM from God? One good way is to practice being thankful, and speaking words of gratitude to God, and to those who make our lives good.

Will you take a moment just now, or as soon as you can, to stop and thank the Lord for His love and blessings? Will you take a moment to thank a friend, or loved one for their wisdom and kindness? My grandmother’s last words of wisdom remind me that I am blessed with wonderful riches. Her chalkboard message comes from a poem which was the message of a Hallmark birthday card. The author is unknown

Count your garden by the flowers, Never by the leaves that fall, Count your days by golden hours, Don’t remember clouds at all; Count your nights by stars, not shadows, Count your life with smiles, not tears, And with joy on this your birthday Count your age by friends, not years.
(I would say, “And with joy at this Thanksgiving” count your age by friends, not years).

God Bless, Pastor Mark

Harvests To Come, October 2021

Here we are again at harvest time again. The fields around us are ripe, and tractors and combines, and grain wagons are ready to be put to use.
Harvest season is the culmination of months of work– planting, preparation, decisions, working around weather issues, and constant changes. Yet it is the time of hope and celebrating. It is also a time for us to pray for the safety of those who are working extra hours and often in dangerous conditions.

In 2 Timothy, Paul refers to the faithful farmer. “The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.” (2 Timothy 2.6) In the context of the passage, Paul is encouraging believers to be “strong and faithful” to Jesus. He encourages us to entrust our faith and hope in reliable men (& women) who can teach others. He compares our spiritual life to the faithful soldier who serves the commanding officer. As an athlete competes for the gold medal by training and competing according to the rules, so we must live our lives in faithfulness, and dedication to Jesus. We must live according to His spiritual rules of love, and grace, and walking by faith in Him.

As part of this encouragement towards faithful service to Christ, Paul suggests that there is a reward…a harvest. There are rewards and blessings that result from the believer’s walk with the Lord. The farmer’s reward is “a share of the crops.” There will be food on his table, and the resources to pay others who have helped, and who are owed their share of the crops too.

Likewise, we are challenged to be faithful to Christ. There may be some who think that the farmer only works in the summertime, or that the pastor only works on Sunday… If this is the case they will not be in business very long!

Likewise, if our only time of serving Jesus in on Sunday morning, then we may quickly discover that our spiritual harvest is pretty limited. Yes, we were saved by God’s grace, even while we were sinners, when we trusted in Jesus. Our salvation is not something we earn by hard work, or by great things we do. Yet, we are redeemed for a life of purpose, and calling, and blessings. There are times of harvest, and of blessing along the way in the spiritual life. But, they often come as a result of our faithful service.

Parents who bring their children to church, and who teach them about Jesus day by day, are often blessed to see them learning to know Him, and discover His amazing love and grace too. Those who pray faithfully, and consistently often reap a harvest of answers, and of assurances that God hears, and does wondrous things. Those who share their faith in Jesus, often see friends and loved ones become believers in Jesus. Those who serve their church with their time, and their treasures, often enjoy a spiritual home. And their spiritual home is an added strength when things are tough, or when there are weddings, and holidays.

So, as Paul encouraged Timothy, I want to pass along the message. “You then, my son (my daughter), be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Tim. 2.1) Praise the Lord! There are blessings, and harvests to come.

Blessings to you, Pastor Mark

Keep Running! September 2021

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to encourage his young disciple Timothy. Paul is nearing the end of his time of ministry, while Timothy is just getting started. Paul wrote:

I give you this charge: 2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry…I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 2 Timothy 4. 1-8

As I contemplate the crazy things that are going on in our world, and in my own life, the challenge is very timely. There is an inner hope that things will “get back to normal after covid.” But what will “normal” be? There is a 20 year war that our nation’s leaders have decided to pull out of. But, what about those innocent people who get left behind? There are people taking out their frustrations by getting a gun and shooting innocent victims. There are family trials and strife. The parenting decisions that mothers and fathers have to make regarding school, or behavior, or how to balance activities are often overwhelming. The death of a loved one can leave our lives empty, and our souls very fragile. And add on top of this, the battle that believers face when we battle a culture that seems to avoid any mention of God, or faith, or Jesus Christ.

Paul warned Timothy, that there would be times of spiritual drought. People will simply hear what they want to hear. They will turn away from the truth and listen to myths, and falsehood. It sure seems that Paul is speaking to believers in Jesus today!

So how do we deal with the hurts, and the disappointments. How do we make sense of the culture that we live in? How can we know what to believe and what is false? We know that “just because it is popular” doesn’t mean it is true. Just because it is on the internet, or on TV, doesn’t mean it is God’s will. Just because one pastor or minister says it’s ok, does not mean we just take his/her word for it!

As I read Paul’s message to Timothy, I think about my own life and ministry. I have lost so many wonderful people– some to death, some moved away, some have joined other churches, some have been disappointed in me, and I have been disappointed in others. I wonder sometimes, “What happened? And Why?” Why did they leave? Why did they fall away? Am I to blame for not going after the lost sheep? The losses hurt! There are the personal trials. Illnesses, frictions, family matters, aging parents, personal responsibilities. I’m sure Paul knew of these kinds of spiritual battles. No doubt Timothy would face them also. So Paul’s admonitions are still so apt for today. “Keep your head,” “discharge your duties,” “endure hardship.” He also told Timothy, “they will turn aside,” “they will gather around them …teachers who say what they want to hear.”

Is your Christian life feeling like a battle lately? Does the culture you live in make light of your spiritual convictions. Have you given up your commitment to worship on Sundays, or to read and pray and walk with the Lord daily? Are you backing off from telling your friend about Jesus, or about how the Lord has worked in you? Does your Christian faith cause you to say “no” to certain things, and to “stand up” for others? Paul’s message to us is to spur us on. “Keep running the race.!” “Fight the good fight” for the souls of men and women and children all around the world, and especially in our community. Don’t forget the “crown of righteousness” which will be awarded to you someday.

Sometimes it helps to have “running partners,” or “walking partners.” That’s why church, and worship, and being together in fellowship is so important. The souls of our families, and children, and friends are at stake! The battle for their eternities is crucial. So don’t give up the important things of your faith, for the trivial opportunities that abound. Keep on running! Don’t give up the battle! The afterglow of the well-run race will affirm that it is worth it all!

Blessing to you as you run your Christian race!

Pastor Mark